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Booking Process

At Elita Villa Film Studio, we've streamlined the booking process to make it as simple as possible for our clients. Whether you're planning a film shoot, a photo session, or a creative project, follow these easy steps to secure your spot in our historic studio.

1. Contact Us

Begin by reaching out to our dedicated team. You can contact us through the provided contact information or use our convenient inquiry form. Let us know your project details, including the dates you have in mind, the type of shoot, and any specific requirements you may have.

3. Schedule a Recce Visit

We highly recommend scheduling a recce visit to our studio. This visit allows you to explore our unique spaces, assess their suitability for your project, and envision your creative vision in our historic villa. It's an opportunity to see firsthand why filmmakers and production houses choose Elita Villa.

5. Confirm Your Booking

Once we've tailored your booking to your satisfaction, it's time to confirm! We'll provide you with a clear and transparent booking agreement, including rates and terms. After reviewing and accepting the agreement, your booking will be confirmed.

7. Lights, Camera, Action!

On the day of your shoot, our studio will be ready for your team. You'll have access to our versatile spaces, and our on-site support team will be available to assist with logistics and any last-minute needs.

9. Feedback and Future Collaboration

We value your feedback! After your shoot, let us know about your experience. We're always looking for ways to improve and provide the best possible service. We hope to collaborate with you on future projects.

2. Discuss Your Project

Once we receive your inquiry, our team will get in touch with you promptly. We'll discuss your project's scope, goals, and any unique needs you may have. This step is crucial in ensuring that Elita Villa Film Studio is the perfect fit for your creative endeavor.

4. Customize Your Booking

Based on our discussions and your recce visit, we'll work closely with you to customize your booking. This includes selecting the studio spaces you need, determining the duration of your shoot, and arranging for any additional support or services required.

6. Preparing for Your Shoot

Before your shoot, our team will ensure that everything is in place. If you need equipment or support, we'll make the necessary arrangements. We're here to assist you at every step, making sure your creative vision becomes a reality.

8. Wrapping Up

After your successful shoot, we appreciate your commitment to returning the studio to its original condition. Our team will guide you through the wrap-up process, including any dismantling or cleanup required.

What Our Clients Say

Film Crew

Ravi Devraj, Film Director & Producer

Elita Villa is a filmmaker's dream come true. The historic charm and versatile spaces provided the perfect backdrop for our project. The team was incredibly accommodating, making the entire experience seamless. Can't wait to return!

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